
At Little Bowden, we work together to love learning. Our curriculum is ambitious, memorable and diverse; aiming to take children on a progressive, clear and exciting journey from the time they start with us in EYFS, to the time they leave us in Year 6. The redesign of our curriculum began in 2020, where we invested in our subject leaders to create robust, detailed and comprehensive schemes of work that cover the National Curriculum. Within the last twelve months, our skilled subject leaders have articulated their intent through bespoke medium term plans, ensuring that each lesson is ambitious, memorable and diverse.


Whenever we consider our curriculum provision, we ask: What do we want our children to know, what do our children already know and how do they apply it?
In designing our curriculum frameworks, we have ensured that natural links are made between subjects, and that learning is built upon previously taught knowledge. These links are outlined by subject leaders within the medium term plans and allow teachers to carefully plan a sequence of learning. We use RPLs (Reactivating Prior Learning) at the beginning of each lesson or topic to ensure children make links and are assessed regularly. This allows teachers to further children’s understanding and challenge any misconceptions and stereotypes. 


At Little Bowden, we are acutely aware that learning takes place when a child is engaged within a lesson. With the medium term plans being so detailed, it allows our teachers time to plan innovative, exciting lessons that capture the imagination of our young people. 
Community involvement is an essential part of our curriculum, as we celebrate local traditions and learn new skills to enable the children to take an active role in events throughout the year. Children develop a sense of belonging to this tightly knit community, where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners. 


We respect and celebrate difference and diversity, something that is intertwined into our subject curriculum maps. Within English, we expose children to a wide-range of texts from different cultures. We explore a variety of religions in R.E. and countries within Geography. The main subject driver for our curriculum, however, is P.S.H.E, due to the ‘Route to Resilience’ and ‘No Outsiders’ programmes we run alongside our P.S.H.E delivery. Both initiatives promote diversity across the curriculum, and this has inspired our subject leaders to inter-twine diversity and culture throughout their curriculum maps.

Underneath, you will find tabs for each of the individual subject areas for our curriculum. Within these, you will find out the intent, implementation and impact strategies we have for each of these subjects, as well as long term and medium term plans for that particular area.

As we complete our curriculum review, newly-updated subject overviews will be added here.