
Subject Leader: Harj Dhesi


At Little Bowden, an important objective is for all pupils to develop as young historians and we achieve this by recognising and planning for what becoming better at History entails – progression - and consequently challenging and supporting our pupils to work historically in a more rigorous manner as they progress through the school. To enable this to happen we have established an outcome driven curriculum which recognises the crucial importance of identifying not just what we want our pupils to know and do in History but also the intellectual outcomes we intend them to achieve through their learning.


We take an enquiry-based approach to teaching History at Little Bowden whereby each topic is framed upon a key question that guides the teaching. Across the whole school curriculum, children study the key historical concepts of chronology and change; cause and effects; attitudes and beliefs; empathetic understanding; significant individuals and sources. These are taught within the historical contexts outlined within the National Curriculum. Our English lessons are linked to the topics as much as possible and enrichment activities are planned in order to help immerse the children in the topic helping to make the learning more memorable.

There are selected substantive concepts (outlined in the curriculum map) that reoccur in topics across the key stages, which enable children to gain a good understanding of chronology and make links between different periods of history. These links are outlined in each topic overview to ensure teachers understand the children’s prior learning and use timelines to help support their chronological understanding.

Assessments are carried out at the end of each topic which address children’s understanding of the enquiry question. The subject outcomes table (on the curriculum map) determines how history skills are applied by the children in their work. Books are monitored throughout the year and pupil voices are conducted to ensure the content/skills are covered as planned and that children are retaining their knowledge and understanding.


At Little Bowden, our History curriculum has a rigorous approach to teaching the subject. Our children develop a good overview of the past and the ability to analyse it with a critical mind. Our class work shows how our enquiry-based approach gives real purpose and focus to each topic; each lesson is planned carefully to address our overall question. Our curriculum map shows a whole school curriculum that has been planned carefully to teach the main historical concepts through a range of contexts in a way that creates links between periods and events. Children will be able to make links to previously studied topics and make comparisons. Children will be enthused by their History topics, through our cross-curricular approach and enrichment activities which immerses them in the period; creating curiosity and enjoyment.


Our History Vision, History Progression Document and Vocabulary Spine