Meet Our Team

We hope you are excited to begin your journey at Little Bowden Primary School. We will learn and play together in our indoor and outdoor classrooms.

Class RBK will be taught by Mrs Baldwin and Mrs Knox. Mrs Baldwin is the EYFS lead and KS1 Maths co-ordinator and she teaches Monday - Thursdays. Mrs Knox, our new Deputy Head teaches on Fridays. Class RAH will be taught by Miss Harland to approx March/April, whilst Mrs Wright is on maternity leave. However, all of the staff will teach your child as we work as a unit together and the children free flow in all the spaces together and are not kept in separate classes.

Mrs Marsden (4 days a week), Mr Moir(5 mornings a week) and Mrs Beasley (2 afternoons a week ) are our teaching assistants and will be helping us with our learning. Mrs Smith from the school's Access to Learning team also supports children from both Reception classes (5 afternoons a week) and Mrs Beasley works on Speech and Language Therapy work for an additional 3 afternoons a week. Miss Tobin and Miss Robertson work 1:1 with an assigned child in the classroom. PPA cover is usually on a Thursday afternoon and this is provided by our Sport's Department staff Mr Moir and Mr Thompson and also by Mrs Marsden. Mrs Mitton is our dedicated mid-day supervisor and is supported by other mid-day supervisors on a rota.

Mrs Baldwin
Mrs Knox
Miss Harland
Mrs Wright (on maternity leave)
Mrs Marsden
Mr Moir
Mrs Smith
Miss Tobin
Miss Robertson
Mrs Mitton