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Autumn Term Overview

Our topics for the first few weeks are 'Marvellous Me!" and 'Nursery Rhymes' as the children settle into school routines. We will practise singing and reciting different nursery rhymes outside. We will also use our counting rhymes and songs to help build the children's understanding of number. Following this we will then be moving onto our new topic 'People Who Help Us'. During this topic we will be thinking about different people that help us in our local community e.g. librarian, doctors, firefighters, police etc. 


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We will be having weekly circle time sessions where we will be working on building 'our character strengths'. We will use our 'Route to Resilience' words to help us with this. These are as follows;

- Feeling safe and secure

- Sharing

- Listening

- Curiosity

- Caring

- Honesty

- Friendship

Children who are displaying these skills and attributes may we awarded a 'Character Champion' certificate in our classroom assemblies. 

As the children settle into new routines we will also be reiterating our school rules through the use of our 'Class Promise'.



We are beginning to teach single Phonics sounds. We will be teaching your child to read, write and recognise each sound. We will then begin to teach your child the skills they need to become a reader, such as blending sounds into words e.g. and segmenting (chopping up) words into sounds e.g. cat... c-a-t. We will be sending home a Phonics information pack and have uploaded a PowerPoint to help support you. We would recommend buying the Read Write Inc small flashcards to help support your child. These are available on Amazon; and after Christmas, these would also be useful; 

Daily Phonics Lessons; Children will be taught to read, write, and recognise single sounds. Later, they will be taught to apply their Phonic knowledge to help them with their reading and writing. 

- We will be sending home sound sheets each week for you to reiterate your child's learning. Please complete these at home and we would recommend putting them up on the walls at home to help your child identify and practise saying each of the sounds regularly. 

- We will be learning Phonics (sounds) through the Read Write Inc scheme of work. If you would like more information on this please see our PowerPoint Presentation and see the Read Write Inc Facebook Page; Information for Parents. Here you will find lots of useful videos to help you. 

- We will also be practising name writing and letter formation. 


Communication and Language

- We have a Home Corner role play area in the classroom to support communication and interaction in the classroom.

- Adults will be using correct language and modelling speech as this will help to build vocabulary.

- Reading and exploring a variety of different stories which will help develop your child's vocabulary and listening skills. 

- Adults in Foundation use Speaking and Listening games and activities.

- Learning, reciting and singing a variety of nursery rhymes.

- Discussing the roles of the emergency services and other people who help us in our local community.

- Learning how to ring for help in an emergency.

- We will spend lots of time outside listening to sounds that we can hear. - Daily Phonics lessons.



- We will be counting, recognising and ordering numbers 0-10.

- We are exploring different number resources (e.g. Numicon, bead strings, number lines, calculators, counters etc). 

- Learning number songs and nursery rhymes to reinforce counting amounts and recognising numbers.

- Naming 2D shapes and exploring their properties

- Using Positional language e.g. 'The teddy is underneath the box.' 'The book is on the table'. 'The dolly is hiding behind the bench.'

- Creating our own Repeat Patterns.

- Ordering objects by size (tallest to shortest).

- Comparing objects by weights (heavy to light).

- Exploring Capacity through our water play (full, half full, empty etc). 

- Learning to identify and sort colours.


Outdoor Play

- We encourage children to spend as much time in our outdoor learning environment as possible. Waterproof aprons and overalls are available for children to wear if they wish to do so.


Expressive Arts and Design

- Dancing sessions.

- Learning and practising the FMS (Fundamental Movement Skills) through our Big Moves PE sessions.

- Mindfulness and Yoga sessions (exploring meditation and relaxation strategies). 

- Drawing self-portraits

- Colour mixing with paints.

- Exploring the sounds that different percussion instruments make. 



- Please ensure that your child wears their P.E. kit to school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as these are our PE days. Please make sure that earrings are removed and long hair is tied back. 


Best wishes,


The Foundation Team smiley



