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Little bowden primary school‘Working together to love learning’

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Spring Term 2023 Overview


Working together to love learning”

Foundation Spring Term Overview

Our topic for the first half term will be ‘Super Heroes’ as the children settle back into school routine.  We will then move onto ‘Pets and Animals’ up to Easter.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development:

We will be having weekly circle time sessions where well be focusing on our ‘Route to Resilience’ words:

  • Feeling safe and secure
  • Sharing
  • Listening
  • Curiosity
  • Caring
  • Honesty
  • Friendship

Children who are displaying these skills and attributes may be awarded a ‘Character Champion’ certificate! We will also continue to follow our PSHE scheme of work alongside this.


Communication and Language:

  • Play areas: Super Heroes Rescue Centre, Vets/Pet Shop
  • Speaking and listening games and activities
  • We will be reading a variety of different stories which will help develop your child’s vocabulary, listening and retelling skills
  • We will be practising name writing, letter formation and building on sentences through sharing weekend news


Expressive Arts and Design:

  • Dancing sessions
  • Mindfulness sessions (meditation and relaxation strategies)
  • Weekly singing sessions
  • Using paint and pastels
  • Creation Station available throughout the day
  • Learning about mixing to get different shades of colours
  • Piet Mondrian







  • increase confidence in subitising by continuing to explore patterns within 5, including structured and random arrangements
  • explore a range of patterns made by some numbers greater than 5, including structured patterns in which 5 is a clear part
  • experience patterns which show a small group and ‘1 more’
  • continue to match arrangements to finger patterns.
  • explore symmetrical patterns, in which each side is a familiar pattern, linking this to ‘doubles’.


Cardinality, ordinality and counting:

  • continue to develop verbal counting to 20 and beyond
  • continue to develop object counting skills, using a range of strategies to develop accuracy
  • continue to link counting to cardinality, including using their fingers to represent quantities between 5 and 10
  • order numbers, linking cardinal and ordinal representations of number.
  • continue to consolidate their understanding of cardinality, working with larger numbers within 10
  • become more familiar with the counting pattern beyond 20.




  • continue to explore the composition of 5 and practise recalling ‘missing’ or ‘hidden’ parts for 5
  • explore the composition of 6, linking this to familiar patterns, including symmetrical patterns
  • begin to see that numbers within 10 can be composed of ‘5 and a bit’.
  • explore the composition of odd and even numbers, looking at the ‘shape’ of these numbers
  • begin to link even numbers to doubles
  • begin to explore the composition of numbers within 10.



  • continue to compare sets using the language of comparison, and play games which involve comparing sets
  • continue to compare sets by matching, identifying when sets are equal
  • explore ways of making unequal sets equal.
  • compare numbers, reasoning about which is more, using both an understanding of the ‘howmanyness’ of a number, and its position in the number system.



  • Revising Set 1 sounds
  • Blending for reading & segmenting for writing
  • Learning Set 2 sounds
  • Daily phonics lessons – 2 sounds a week- children will be taught to read, write, recognise and apply single sounds, diagraphs and trigraphs
  • We will continue to send sheets home for you to practise and consolidate your child’s learning
  • We will be learning our Phonics (sounds) through the Read Write Inc. scheme of work.  If you would like more information please visit this website:
  • Blending and segmenting CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words (cat, pin, tap) and CCVC words (snap, frog, bran)
  • Read red words i.e. the, I, into, go, he, we, be, she, was, my etc



  • Making plausible phonic attempts
  • Writing captions, labels
  • Understanding basic structure of a sentence (capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, writing on the line)
  • Start to write the red words: I, the, no, go, to, into


Outdoor Play

- We encourage children to spend as much time in our outdoor learning environment as possible. Waterproof aprons and overalls are available for children to wear if they wish to do so. Please encourage your child to dress and undress themselves independently (this includes turning clothes inside out and the right way around by themselves).




- Please ensure that your child wears their P.E. kits to school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays as these are our PE days. Please make sure that earrings are removed and long hair is tied back.
